Walkin' on the Wild Side

Minnesota Hootapalooza

Marvin and Gabrielle Bouknight

It's time for another episode of Walkin' on the Wild Side Podcast and this one is special because it marks a milestone for Gabrielle Bouknight and me...it marks the trip to Minnesota and we FINALLY saw great gray owls!  Not only great grays, but two other species as well, a verifiable "HOOTAPALOOZA"!  Come with us  on our trip in this special episode from northern Minnesota and share our amazing experience!

Here's some websites from our episode:

Contact our guide, Mike Hendrickson thought this website:  https://saxzim.org/about-sax-zim-bog/

Interested in having Marvin and Gabrielle speak at your event?  Email us below for more information!

Email us at www.walkingonthewildside21@gmail.com
Follow us on our two webpages to see photos and blogs about our podcasts and nature in general:
Nature Nook Photography
Walkin' on the Wild Side

You can listen directly from our website at: https://walkinonthewildside.buzzsprout.com, or from any of the major podcast platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Audible, Spotify, iHeart Radio, TuneIn, Stitcher, and more!
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We hope you enjoy listening to our podcast and welcome your emails, comments, and feedback.  Hopefully, we will inspire you to get out there and start "Walkin' on the Wild Side"!

We'd love to hear from you with your questions and comments!

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